VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia

the total animal feed and health event


animal feed processing industry

design artwork exhibition

VICTAM ASIA is firmly established as the event dedicated to the animal feed processing industry within Asia. VICTAM and VIV joined forces in the VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2022 event, which is also home to GRAPAS Asia - the event for grain, rice and flour milling technology. We are pleased to have been granted the task of taking care of the entire design for the event, both online and offline.

Rijnstate VriendenfondsWebdesign iDoeInfographics Nieuwe Energie LeidenWebdesign Nieuwe EnergieKennis maken BevolkingsonderzoekWebdesign HAI b.v. "House of brands"Webdesign ibis LeidenVormgeving Golden TulipSigning